Saturday, May 31, 2008

Oh The Morning Sickness...

It always amazes me every time I stop to think about it, but I never had a moment of morning sickness until after my pregnancy was confirmed. I am not sure if denial is that powerful or if the morning sickness truly just hadn't begun yet. But I can tell you that about 3 days after my pregnancy was confirmed the morning sickness began. I never threw up too much with it, but Lord I prayed many times I would. I would hover over the toilet for what seemed like hours in the morning before school, wondering how on earth I was going to make it through the school day. Somehow though I would always manage to pull myself together enough to get on the bus and go to school.

Once I was at school my stomach would settle down until my 2 period class. (Let me tell you just thinking back on this part makes my stomach start rolling) My second period class was World History and it was right outside the school cafeteria. Yep, you guessed it being that we had an 8 block schedule second period was the class just before lunch. I would sit in class and could smell the food cooking in the cafeteria and wonder how I was going to keep from throwing up all over my desk. The ironic thing is that even if i did throw up there was nothing that would come up because I couldn't even stand the thought of breakfast in the mornings. So needless to say I would dread my second period class every other day. Once the bell rang I would bolt to my locker which was in the basement of the building just to get away from the smells of the cafeteria. I am not sure how I did it or how good it was for either me or the baby but I am not sure I ate much of anything for the next 2-3 weeeks.

Here is my worse morning sickness story:

It was November 4, 1989 it happened to be Doug's birthday and our 2 year anniversary. He decided that we are going to go out to dinner to celebrate. He chose his favorite place to eat which was Bare Bones in Gaithersburg. At this point the morning sickness had let up a little and I could eat and keep things down, but was not gone by any stretch of the imagination. So we go out to dinner and I ordered a rib eye steak (do not ask me why), baked potato, and a veggie (i don't remember what veggie). I ate the meal and we are sitting talking waiting for the check and suddenly out of no where my stomach just starts rolling. I mean ROLLING, the kind of rolling that happens when you know that what you just ate isn't going to stay down. I told Doug to hurry up that I thought I was going to be sick. I attempted to stay at the table and convince myself that it would be okay. Well, after about I don't a few minutes I knew it wasn't going to stay down. I jumped up knocked over every glass on the table and went running for the bathroom. Your right in about 3 minutes I was flushing what was left of my $17.99 steak down the toilet. I was so horribly embarrassed to have thrown up in a public bathroom. I came out of the bathroom and Doug took one look at me and told me to get in the car and he would take me home.

Once we were in the car he proceeded to berate me for wasting $18.00, that we couldn't afford to do that with a baby on the way. I told him I was sorry that I had no way of knowing that I wouldn't be able to keep my dinner down. I also reminded him that he chose the restaurant not me, that I probably would have chosen someplace else. Especially since I knew I had been having such horrible morning sickness. He had a fit, and yelled the whole way back to my mom's, and walked me into the house still yelling. I told him I thought that since I was feeling so miserable that maybe he should just go home, that I was going to go to bed. He told me not to tell him what to do ever again, a big fight ensued...and that was the first time he hit me.

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