Friday, May 30, 2008

Wanting To Do This But Not Making Any Promises...

As all of you know I have now been in "reunion" with my biological daughter that was placed for adoption in May of 1990. The reunion has had some pretty high highs and some very low lows. My friends and family have spent a lot of time encouraging me to write my thoughts and feeling out, to in essence tell my story as a birthmom. After being in "reunion" for just a little over 2 months, well 9 weeks and 5 days to be exact, I am just now starting to feel not quite so overwhelmed with it all. I have run the entire gamete of emotions over the last 9 weeks, and most of the time allowing the bad ones to get the best of me. So I have now decided that since I am feeling a lot more settled in this "reunion", maybe it would be therapeutic for me to begin to journal my story. I can not make any promises that posts will be consistent because this is a very emotionally charged issue. However I do promise to tell my story even if it is at my own pace.

I want to warn everyone that may read this that there is a lot of hype about proper language to use when discussing the adoption triad. I will use terms like birthmom, adoptive mom, adoptive dad, my daughter, their daughter, and such. If you find this offensive, inconsiderate, or not appropriate terminology then please just don't read my story.


A Birthmoms Thoughts said...

Good for you Cas! I think everyone will feel honored that you would want to open up in such a way and include them, and if they don’t….well, who needs them. I just wanted you to know you have my support and admiration.

I love you!


Thanksgivingmom said...

Welcome to blogland! I came to your blog through your post and look forward to reading your story!

cindy psbm said...

freedom of speech is a wonderful thing and a blog is just the right place for it. being totally honest is the best thing ever.